

Model: FC-10-VMX01-963-02-12 - Fortinet UTP License
FortiGate-VMX Instance License 1 Year Unified Threat Protection (UTP) (IPS, Advanced Malware Protection, Application Control, Web & Video Filtering, Antispam Service, and 24x7 FortiCare)
30/mo Sold
List Price: US$3,076.50 (24% OFF)
Price: US$2,350.00
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Availability: In Stock
Condition: New Factory Sealed
US$ 2,350.00 In stock New Factory Sealed 3 Years
Warranty: 3 years warranty
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FortiGate-VMX Instance License 1 Year Unified Threat Protection (UTP) (IPS, Advanced Malware Protection, Application Control, Web & Video Filtering, Antispam Service, and 24x7 FortiCare)

List Price: US$3,076.50
Price: US$2,350.00
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FC-10-VMX01-963-02-12 Overview

The Fortinet FC-10-VMX01-963-02-12 represents a cutting-edge solution in cybersecurity, offering a FortiGate-VMX Instance License with a comprehensive 1 Year Unified Threat Protection (UTP). This package encompasses Intrusion Prevention System (IPS), Advanced Malware Protection, Application Control, Web & Video Filtering, Antispam Service, as well as 24x7 FortiCare support. Designed for robust protection across virtual environments, this license ensures your virtual networks remain secure against the most sophisticated threats.

Brand Fortinet
Product Name FC-10-VMX01-963-02-12
License Type FortiGate-VMX Instance License
Duration 1 Year
Services Included Unified Threat Protection (UTP)

Product Features

  • Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) to safeguard against malicious activities.
  • Advanced Malware Protection for in-depth defense against complex malware.
  • Application Control to manage the use and access of applications effectively.
  • Web & Video Filtering to restrict harmful or inappropriate content.
  • Antispam Service to reduce unwanted or harmful emails.

Product Applications

  • Securing virtual networks in cloud environments against emerging threats.
  • Enhancing malware defense mechanisms for virtual data centers.
  • Providing comprehensive web security for corporate virtual infrastructures.
Supported Options
FortiAnalyzer for VMs Centralized logging and reporting
FortiManager for VMs Centralized management
FortiSandbox for VMs Advanced threat detection
Compare to Similar Items
FC-10-00090-900-02-12 Standard Protection without 24x7 FortiCare
FC-10-VM02-874-02-12 Basic Firewall features without UTP or FortiCare
FC-10-VM04-159-02-12 Includes UTP but limited to Application Control and IPS

For further details on the Fortinet FC-10-VMX01-963-02-12 and to explore more about how it can secure your virtual environment, Get more information by contacting our team via Live Chat or at Our experts are eager to help you safeguard your digital assets with the right cybersecurity solutions.

Quality Certifications

FC-10-VMX01-963-02-12 Specification

FC-10-VMX01-963-02-12 Specifications

Product Brand Fortinet
Product Name FC-10-VMX01-963-02-12
License Type FortiGate-VMX Instance License
Subscription Period 1 Year
Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) Included
Advanced Malware Protection Included
Application Control Included
Web Filtering Included
Video Filtering Included
Antispam Service Included
Service Availability 24x7 FortiCare
Unified Threat Protection (UTP) Integrated suite offering IPS, Advanced Malware Protection, Application Control, Web & Video Filtering, Antispam
Deployment Model VMX (Virtual Machine Extension)
Extension Validity 1 Year from activation
Product Category Network Security/Virtual Security
Internet Security Included
Cloud-based Management Supported
Automatic Updates Available
Technical Support 24x7 access via phone, email, and web portal
Customizable Controls Available
Compatibility Compatible with various virtual environments
License Delivery Digital/Email Delivery

Standard Services

Customer Service
Branch Offices : Hong Kong | USA | UK
Quality Checking
Trusted by over 18,000 customers globally


100% Low Price Guarantee: provides high-quality products at low wholesale prices.

All items are ORIGINAL and GENUINE only:

Item conditions are all "New Sealed".
All items are fully tested with working conditions by Fortinet certified engineer under customers' permission.

Professional Technical Support: experienced technical team can provide support over the phone, by chat, by email or by remotely login.

100% Money Back Guarantee:

If your returns meet our relevent standards,you can contact our customer service team to exchange or return any product that you bought from us.

Flexible Secure Payment & Shipment:

Verified authorization: Mcafee Secure, VeriSign Secured.

Return Material Authorization (RMA) Process

Standard Warranty Policy:

Original New Sealed Enterprise Hardware: 3 Years

Original New Sealed Consumer Devices: 1 Year

The Support Contacts:

If your Fortinet products failed, you must contact your sales representative to verify product failure. If the problem still can't correct by remote support methods i.e. email or phone support, the RMA procedure will issue.
