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Difference between HTTPS Port 443 and Port 8443


Have you ever known HTTPS ports 443 or Port 8443? Do you know their differences?

If you say their only difference is the number “8”, this answer may be not completely right.

In this article, we need to learn what the HTTPS port 443 is, what the port 8443 is and their differences.

What is the Port 443?

The Port 443, a web browsing port, is primarily used for HTTPS services. It is another type of HTTP that provides encryption and transport over secure ports. In some security-demanding sites, such as banking, securities, shopping, etc., are using HTTPS service, so that the exchange of information on these sites, other people captured packets obtained is encrypted data to ensure the security of transactions.

What 443 port is used for?

For Internet Port 443, GRC | Port Authority. This port is used to communicate securely with web browsers. Eavesdropping and interception of data transmitted across such links are extremely difficult.

How to configure port 443?

  1. Enter the firewall custom IP rules, and add rules.
  2. Enter the name and description (It can be entered for inspection).
  3. Set the packet direction - receive and send, the other IP address - any address
  4. Set the TCP local port 443 to 443, the other port 0 to 0. TCP flag for the SYN, when the above conditions are met, "pass" to determine
  5. In the list of IP rules, move the rules of the TCP protocol on the first position and select “re-save”.

What is the Port 8443?

The port 8443 is the default port that Tomcat use to open SSL text service. The default configuration file used in the port is 8443.

The Tomcat is a core project in the Jakarta project of the Apache Software Foundation, which is developed by Apache, Sun and several other companies and individuals.

apache tomcat

The default https port number is 443, so Tomcat uses 8443 to distinguish this port.

What is the use of port 8443?

To open an SSL text service, Tomcat is used. 8443 is the default configuration file for the port. Tomcat is a fundamental component of the Apache Software Foundation's Jakarta project, which is maintained by Apache, Sun, and some other corporations and individuals.

The configuration codes of Port 8443:


maxThreads="150" scheme="https" secure="true"

clientAuth="false" sslProtocol="TLS"



Difference Between HTTPS Port 443 and Port 8443

When the Tomcat sets the https port, the differences of port 8443 and port 443:

  1. Port 8443 needs to add a port number during the visit, the equivalent of http 8080, not directly through the domain name, you need to add the port number. For example: https://domainname.com:8443.
  2. Port 443 can access without the need for port number, is the equivalent of http 80. It can directly access through the domain name. Example: https://domainname.com.
Categories: Routers